Friday, August 23, 2013

Scam Scan Spreads: UK operates secret Mideast digi-spy base

The UK's reportedly been operating a secret data gathering base in the Middle East - part of a one and a half billion dollar investment in global surveillance. Britain's Independent newspaper claims it obtained this information from Edward Snowden's leaks. But the NSA whistleblower himself says he has not released any information linked to these allegations.


Anonymous said...

So what's new, I knew about this 30 to 40 years ago and what's the problem? It's all part of the Echelon system which has listening posts in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand monitoring all electronic data for key words and passing them through GCHQ in the UK for closer examination. Can't see a problem, they are doing their best to protect us from terrorist, extremist and other's, including countries that wish us harm.

Anonymous said...

But is it legal/moral?

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