Thursday, September 12, 2013

Minnesota lawmakers ban formaldehyde in children’s products but not in vaccines and diet soda

(NaturalNews) In yet another extraordinary exemption for the very vaccine companies that continue to poison our children, the Minnesota legislature has passed a law banning formaldehyde in all children’s products except for pharmaceuticals, vaccines or foods.

For the record, even the CDC admits that vaccines still contain formaldehyde, a highly toxic chemical typically used to “deactivate” the many viruses used in vaccines.

The new law, House Bill 458, is entitled, “Formaldehyde banned in children’s products.” It was signed into law by the Governor of Minnesota on May 13, 2013.

On the surface, it sounds great. Who wouldn’t want formaldehyde banned from children’s products? Formaldehyde, after all, is highly toxic to the nervous system. Protecting children from dangerous chemicals is a noble cause.

But there’s just one problem with this law: it exempts one of the worst sources of formaldehyde exposure in children: VACCINES.

As the text of the law readily says, “excluding a food, beverage, dietary supplement, pharmaceutical product or biologic [vaccines].” (see full text and links below)

Why are vaccines exempted when they are a primary source of formaldehyde in children?

Vaccines inject formaldehyde directly into the blood stream, bypassing all the usual protections of skin, lungs and digestive tract. This makes the formaldehyde in vaccines order of magnitude more toxic because it is 100% assimilated directly into the body. So even though the actual amount of formaldehyde used in vaccines may sound small, its toxicity is greatly multiplied by the fact that it is injected into children rather than merely swallowed, for example.

“Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines,” admits the CDC on its own website. “It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production.” (This is an open admission that vaccines are contaminated with viruses, by the way…)

Read full article here.


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