Monday, September 09, 2013

Monsanto leading secret trade pact to outlaw GMO labeling worldwide

(NaturalNews) It's called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), and it's a super secret trade pact being negotiated completely outside of law, with no congressional authority but with the aim of forcing nations around the world to ban GMO labeling, embrace Monsanto's GMO crops and keep pharmaceutical prices artificially high to enrich the world's medication monopolists.

A purely executive creation of the Office of the United States Trade Representative -- i.e. created outside of law with zero public accountability -- the TPP involves White House loyalists running around the world, strong-arming over a dozen nations into signing on to a corporate domination agreement knowingly misnamed "free trade."

Details of the TPP are so secret that even members of Congress are not allowed to review them or disclose them. What we know about the TPP has only come from leaks, as the full text of the entire agreement is being kept not only from Congress but also the American people. Yet over 600 corporate CEOs -- including CEOs of companies that have been repeatedly found guilty of felony crimes in America -- have been allowed to influence the details of the TPP agreements. Monsanto, Wal-Mart and Big Pharma corporations are reportedly given top influence positions in this super-secret Obama organization that hands the future of the world over to the most evil corporations of all time.

GMO labeling to be illegal, generic drugs to be all but shut downThe countries currently involved in the TPP include the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. More are being bullied into signing the agreement with each passing month. Although the exact language of the TPP is a tightly-protected secret, it is reported that the TPP will require:

• Dropping of all bans on GMOs. All countries signing the TPP must allow GMOs to be grown in their country and secretly used throughout the food supply -- all GMO labeling will be outlawed.

Read full article here.


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