Thursday, September 05, 2013

TED talks now censoring scientists who share ideas on consciousness

(Natural News) The “TED talks” organization, once founded on the idea of spreading good ideas, has become the new priesthood of status quo dogma. The TED organization doesn’t want you to hear the really important, breakthrough advancements in scientific thinking, and to enforce that intellectual ignorance, it has resorted to censoring and suppressing two of the most important scientists our world has ever produced.

This is being accomplished by a cowardly board of “anonymous scientific advisors” who have seized control of TED’s talks while hiding behind a curtain of anonymity. These “scientific advisors” no doubt represent the interests of Big Pharma, biotech and the corporate-dominated “science” sellout community that’s desperately trying to crush any real revolution in scientific understanding.

While TED is positioned as trendy and cool, it’s actually just another vehicle of idea suppression that has joined with other dark forces which are attempting to keep humankind ignorant of the reality of consciousness, free will, spirituality and the fact that our cosmos is far more than physical “stuff.” TED gladly features scientists who unveil technologies that will be used to enslave humanity, but the organization doesn’t want you to hear about advances in understanding that can set you free.

Graham Hancock and The War on Consciousness

Perhaps the most prominent victim of TED censorship and idea suppression is none other than Graham Hancock, author of the now-censored TED Talk called, “The War on Consciousness.”

Read full article here.


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