Tuesday, November 26, 2013

'Fracking - cowboy industry driven by greed with 'profit above all' mantra'

(VIDEO) Energy companies are giving people a very unhealthy choice: Whether to have cheap gas, which is unlikely to happen, or fresh water, former oil executive Ian Crane, now a campaigner against fracking, tells RT.


Anonymous said...

As a mining engineer, I am offended every time I hear some liberal that chooses to ignore the entire process fracking and stress on the negative sounding aspects for publicity. Even if there was 600 different chemicals, which I highly doubt is normally the case, what they send into the earth is 99.9% sand and water. There's probably 600 chemical in your shampoo but that's not killing you. People against fracking think that the process was developed by rich assholes who burn the rain forest for fun instead of people like my with a BS in mining engineering and in environmental engineering. But what do I know? Let's just ban fracking and instead pollute our water AND air by burning coal to heat your house.... and don't try to give any crap about how any current alternative energy is a better and realistic option.

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