Thursday, July 10, 2014

Five plaintiffs sue after being targeted in US 'suspicious activity' database

(Guardian) The man from the FBI left his card on James Prigoff's door in Sacramento. When Prigoff, a photographer, returned Agent Ayaz's call, he learned that he had attracted the attention of a terrorism investigator, all for attempting to frame an ideal image of a piece of public art on the other side of the country.

Months earlier, Prigoff had travelled to Boston to photograph the Rainbow Swash, a series of bright, colorful stripes painted on a 140-foot gas storage tank in Dorchester. But two private security guards became agitated and told him – incorrectly – that he was on private property. After some hassle, Prigoff opted to snap the shot from a suboptimal location, into the sunlight.

Now, in August 2004, Ayaz wanted to know if Prigoff had ever been to Boston. The agent had already knocked on his neighbor's door, seeking information. Prigoff explained his Rainbow Swash incident, the only thing that came to mind from Boston that he reasoned could have prompted Ayaz's contact. Nothing further happened. As it happens, the Rainbow Swash is readily visible on Google Images.

Read full article here.


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