One thing I would like to mention, is the amount of local news trucks on scene before any of the protesters arrived. Is there really nothing more important to report on in this city than a couple people with masks? And the amount of policeman, who were more like riot gear robocops, was absurd. The whole evening it seemed cops cars were speeding away from the protest to somewhere else in they city, where I am sure there was much less of a police presence. Did they really think what happened in London was possible here in San Francisco? This is America. The land of the self consuming mind. The land where common sense is frowned upon. The land where a protest attracts more police and news trucks than actual protesters. It's sad. I'm not saying we need violence, but it seems most people just don't care. So either the masses are slowly waking up, or they may still be sleepwalking through life as their economic and personal freedoms are slowly being stripped away.

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