These results are based on an Aug. 11-14 Gallup poll, which includes the first update on Congress' job approval rating since the government reached agreement on a deal to raise the debt ceiling after contentious and protracted negotiations between President Obama and congressional leaders. Standard & Poor's subsequently downgraded the United States' credit rating, in part citing the current political environment in Washington. That sparked a week of intense volatility in the stock market, with days of sharp losses and large gains.
Frustration with Congress was evident immediately after the debt ceiling agreement, with a record-low 21% of registered voters in an Aug. 4-7 USA Today/Gallup poll saying most members of Congress deserve re-election.
President Obama's job approval rating has also declined in recent days, reaching a low of 39% in Aug. 11-13 Gallup Daily tracking.
When Gallup last measured Congress' job approval rating in early July, 18% approved and 77% disapproved. That poll came while the debt ceiling discussions were underway but well before the talks dragged on to just before the Treasury Department's Aug. 2 deadline. Continue reading here.
August 16, 2011
by Jeffrey M. Jones
by Jeffrey M. Jones
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